Content and SEO Projects: KPMG and M&C Saatchi
Two sites have re-launched recently, in which I played a role.
First up, KPMG. I was the lead content creator for many of their key pages. I either completely restructured existing text or held interviews with stakeholders to write the pages from scratch.

I worked very closely with the KPMG digital team – it was a big project but a very rewarding few months.
The new site was launched with the site redesign late last year. I think it looks pretty great.

Next up, M&C Saatchi Sport and Entertainment. This was the second time I’d optimised their website for search.
Working with the team at M&C Saatchi and their design agency, we were able to find that SEO sweet spot again.
I think this redesign is pretty spiffy too.

So there you have it, great design and excellent content/SEO can go hand in hand.