Clients I’ve Worked With
Both agency-side and as a freelance consultant, I’ve worked the gamut of industry verticals, from finance, and fashion, to fast moving consumer goods and film.

Client Experience
If I had a specialism, it would probably be in the finance industry (optimising highly regulated websites in accounting, investing and banking). A close second would be my work in the charity and non profit sector (working with large organisations, getting buy-in, creating optimised copy that still carries a strong donation message). However, I always like a range of clients. In each project I have to upskill in terms of understanding of my client’s products and services, and how people are searching to find them.
Every SEO or PPC project is an investigation. I love it.
The weirdest things I’ve optimised for? 3M has lots of very novel products. Those were always fun.
But I’ve optimised everything from oil refineries to children’s television shows.